IFIP人工智能学会(IFIP TC12)

WG 12.2 – Machine Learning and Data Mining

This group’s website is at: http://www.intsci.ac.cn/en/ifipwg12_2.html



Prof. Xin Yao, University of Birmingham, UK, email: x.yao@cs.bham.ac.uk


To study and develop theory and techniques for machine learning and data mining.


The scope of the Working Group’s activities includes (but is not restricted to) the following:   

o Association Rules

o Classification Rules

o Decision Trees   

o Case-Based Reasoning   

o Genetic Algorithms   

o Inductive Logic Programming   

o Neural Nets   

o Instance Based Learning   

o Support Vector Machines   

o Bagging and Boosting   

o Feature Reduction   

o Supervised and Unsupervised Learning   

o Web and Text Mining   

o Mining of Images, Video etc.   

o Concept Learning   

o Bayesian Learning   

o Computational Learning Theory   

o Reinforcement Learning
