



August 26-29, 2002, Montreal, Canada
Part of the IFIP World Computer Congress WCC2002

This year´s focus:

·   Knowledge-Based System Architecture

·   Intelligent Information Management

Special program structure:

  • Invited surveys linking AI work with other disciplines

  • Presentations of peer reviewed research papers

  • Presentations of selected application papers

Conference Chair: Bernd Neumann, Germany
Program Co-Chairs: Mark Musen, USA, and Rudi Studer, Germany

Paper submission deadline: January 28, 2002 (different from the general deadline of WCC2002)

Program Overview

The International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing is the bi-yearly flagship event organized by the Technical Committee "Artificial Intelligence" (TC12) of IFIP. The meeting is a forum for international scientific exchange, promotion of interdisciplinary work and presentation of leading-edge applications in selected areas of intelligent information processing.

This year´s conference, IIP-2002, held in conjunction with the IFIP World Computer Congress 2002, will focus on two themes of eminent importance where AI methods contribute innovative solutions and enable successful applications:

  • Knowledge-Based System Architecture

  • Intelligent Information Management

IIP-2002 will offer a 4-day program of high-quality events:

Keynote speeches

            Hans Akkermans, Free University Amsterdam
            B. Chandrasekaran, Ohio State University

Invited surveys linking AI work with other disciplines

            Enrico Motta, UK
            James Hendler, University of Maryland, USA
            Nick Jennings, University of Southampton, UK
            Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover, Germany
            Wolfgang Wahlster, DFKI, Germany

Panels about current developments

            Dan O'Leary, USA

Presentations of peer reviewed research and application papers

Program Committee

Program Co-chairs

Mark Musen, Stanford University, USA
Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
